78th Birthday Radio Special
78th Birthday Special On Yoodleeyoo Radio. Do not forget to tune in. Click on the following link and your music player will open to the world of music with Kishore Kumar. (To play the radio, you have to open the .pls file with music players like winamp, jetaudio, windows media player.) Tune in on Yoodleeyoo […]
78th Birthday Special On Yoodleeyoo Radio. Do not forget to tune in.

Click on the following link and your music player will open to the world of music with Kishore Kumar.
(To play the radio, you have to open the .pls file with music players like winamp, jetaudio, windows media player.)
Tune in on Yoodleeyoo Radio at
5.00 P.M. Duets of Kishore – with various singers galore
7.00 P.M. Fun and frolic – who else could give us but our own Kishore.
8.00 P.M. Live Show songs – plenty and bounty – The Performer at his best.
9.00 P.M. Khandwa Live – We bring this audio delight once again after many years. Our special thanks to Srinivas Gattu – the source for this rare treat.
10.00 P.M. Dj Don goes online with his selection of Kishore Kumar Songs followed by Harihar, who are our two great music fans who will entertain with the very best of Kishore Kumar.
Belated Hapy B’day Kishore da
I have very special memorable thing with KK. In January 1985 @ aurangabad (Maharashtra) I met him. The day before he has some problem with local journalist.Thats why when I went to meet he gave me one paper chit , and in that chit he wrote”Aaj mera moun vrat hai”. Then I also gave him a chit and asked then how will u sing in the evening programme. Then again he wrote ‘mera moun suryast tak hi hai!’This incidently Pancham and Leena were watching. They started laughing and they told KK ‘Dada ye journalist nahin hain ye tumhara fan hai’Kishorda immidiately start talking and next 45 minutes were memorable for me.
panthi hu me us pathka ant nahi jiska
happy birthday kishorda bas aapke geet he aap ki yade he or aankho me aansu jese missing some close family member
kishore da happy birth day. but m nervous to see the responce to the site.
Bohot achhe bajate raho hum sunrela!
how can I run .PLS file?
happy Birth-Day to guru(kishore da)…………….
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please let me know what r u goingto play at 11 p.m. on kishore kumar today